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Legend (FutureSelwyn/Land_and_Soil)

Irrigated areas (45)
LUC 1 (5)
LUC 2 (4)
LUC 3 (3)
LUC 0,4,5,6,7,8,9 (2)
Land Cover Database version 5.0 (40)
Built-up Area (settlement) Built-up Area (settlement)
Surface Mines and Dumps Surface Mines and Dumps
Transport Infrastructure Transport Infrastructure
Urban Parkland/Open Space Urban Parkland/Open Space
Exotic Forest Exotic Forest
Forest - Harvested Forest - Harvested
Deciduous Hardwoods Deciduous Hardwoods
Gorse and/or Broom Gorse and/or Broom
Mixed Exotic Shrubland Mixed Exotic Shrubland
High Producing Exotic Grassland High Producing Exotic Grassland
Low Producing Grassland Low Producing Grassland
Depleted Grassland Depleted Grassland
Short-rotation Cropland Short-rotation Cropland
Orchard Vineyard and Other Perennial Crops Orchard Vineyard and Other Perennial Crops
Broadleaved Indigenous Hardwoods Broadleaved Indigenous Hardwoods
Indigenous Forest Indigenous Forest
Manuka and/or Kanuka Manuka and/or Kanuka
Matagouri or Grey Scrub Matagouri or Grey Scrub
Fernland Fernland
Sub Alpine Shrubland Sub Alpine Shrubland
Mangrove Mangrove
Sand and Gravel Sand and Gravel
Landslide Landslide
Gravel and Rock Gravel and Rock
Permanent Snow and Ice Permanent Snow and Ice
Alpine Grass/Herbfield Alpine Grass/Herbfield
Herbaceous Freshwater Vegetation Herbaceous Freshwater Vegetation
Herbaceous Saline Vegetation Herbaceous Saline Vegetation
Flaxland Flaxland
Tall Tussock Grassland Tall Tussock Grassland